Two Way Hard Three | Las Vegas Casino & Design Blog

We offer several RSS feeds so our readers can stay up to date on the latest information.

What is RSS?

"RSS" stands for Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary, and/or Rockdale, Sandow, and Southern (Railroad) (if you trust the good folks at Really Simple Syndication is probably the most widely agreed-upon choice. As far as we are concerned, all three acronyms do an inadequate job of describing what RSS actually is: RSS is a standard for publishing regular updates to web-based content. Using this standard, Web publishers provide updates, such as the latest news headlines or weblog postings. Meanwhile, consumers use RSS reader applications (or one of a growing number of online services) to collect and monitor their favorite feeds in one place (RSS content from a publisher, viewed in one of these readers, is often called a "feed"). (Source:

Basically, it is a way to be notified when there is new stuff on this Web site.

What Feeds Are Available?

Two Way Hard Three / Blog Headlines [XML] [My Yahoo!] [Google Desktop] [My AOL] - New User Reviews, Photos, and 'Ask The Experts' Questions [XML] [My Yahoo!] [Google Desktop] [My AOL] - Recently created lists on our sister site, [XML] [My Yahoo!] [Google Desktop] [My AOL]

Vegas Gang Podcast - A link to our podcast feed. Use this in iTunes and it will download new episodes as they are available. [XML] [My Yahoo!] [Google Desktop] [My AOL]