Friends... Encore's opening is upon us. In case you missed the announcement, we'll be covering all manner of opening details at as we partner with to bring you great coverage.
You can follow our Twitter and Flickr streams there directly. If you want to get involved, you can tweet to @ratevegas or @vegastripping to ask questions, leave comments, etc...
Also, several other readers who mentioned they'd be in town talked about perhaps getting together for a drink at some point... Several ideas were thrown around but if it works for others, I'd suggest 6:30pm on the 22nd at Parasol Up (Wynn Las Vegas). This would allow a little time for conversation before the public unveiling of Encore at 8pm. Everyone is welcome.
See you all there.
There's a video out of the KLAS interview with Steve talking about Encore on YouTube. In the background where Steve is being interviewed is a garden......absolutely gorgeous looking. Hopefully the link works.
He's sitting in the Sinatra restaurant which is the far-most corner of the property (i.e. NW corner).
Sure thing.
As I'm leaving town in the not-too-distant future, it will be fun to meet the familiar crew and meet the ones I've never seen before.
Mike Ch - Leaving town? Are you moving?
Brian: Yup. I was going to talk to you guys about this at the meetup, but I'm probably going to be an infrequent visitor around February.
Though I'm not quite packing all my things yet, I'm going to at least go visit greener pastures next year, and depending on what I see stick around through the summer. I may stay there, if I'm able to lay any roots. The economy in Vegas is horrible for people who live here, and I'm done waiting for it to get better. I'm just going to move on.
Mike_ch, thanks for bumming me out. I always look forward to your posts because you report on Vegas with a critical eye, and I mean that as a compliment. From a selfish perspective, I hope you stay right where you are. Whatever you do, thanks and best wishes.
I check Encore's website daily to see if there is any information on the restaurants. Nothing so far.
Hunter, I know you're having dinner at Sinatra, so I'm sure we'll get a detailed report. I hope everyone else who is at the opening can at least look into the restaurants and give us descriptions.
Since Steve Wynn gave quite a few interviews this week, I assume they're embargoed until Monday when we'll get to read them all.
Sorry I can't meet with you all Monday evening at Parasol Up.
My last opening was Bellagio, ten years ago.
I think Mike E is eating at Switch the next night. I'm going to try Society for lunch as well I think.
I've seen some of the interview materials that will be streaming out over the next few days and there's some really really great, interesting stuff. I'll link to everything that pops up.
Switch is one of those things I'd do for a birthday if I have the chance.
I might try Society for lunch on Tuesday unless someone can sneak me in early on Monday. I pretty much have my dinners at Palazzo and P-Ho lined up already.
Thanks to some finagling, I believe we're going to be able to bring y'all some inside Encore coverage before the public opening on Monday. More details on the specifics in the next couple of days.
God, I cannot wait until Sunday. I've got dinner at both Sinatra and Switch planned, but it sounds like they will be covered extensively. On an interesting side note, I've been perusing through Flickr almost daily, searching for any new photos of the resort, and I found this:
It is, primarily, a picture of the snowfall in the city, but notably, it was taken from the new parking garage. The thing that interests me the most, though, is the floor signage along the stairwell. It looks like the company has replicated, almost to a "T," the parking garage signage from Bellagio. Gone is the more serif-ed font for the signs, and present is the bold font that is almost identical to the following picutre.
I know it's not that big of a deal, but I thought it was interesting that Steve decided to do this since, at least on the part of Steve Friess, he was so overtly criticized for using "Bellagio-esque" fonts on the casino signage at WLV.
Funny you mention that. In Steve's latest interview audio for Encore (should be out in the next few days), the fonts come up again, sorta in passing but still funny.
If all goes well, I'll be headed to LA by that time (not permanently). I'll be around earlier in the day, though, for the media tour. I'm looking forward to it.
A New 40 minute Steve Wynn interview
Detroit, you'll definitely be getting a whole lotta' Sinatra reports after we're back. I've also got Switch, Society, and Wazuzu on the agenda. Botero will have to wait until next time I'm in town.
Encore coverage is coming fast and furious. Here is Liz Benston's lead story in the LV Sun:
XS and Victor Drai:
Wynn and the economy:
Interview transcript exceprts:
Obviously you guys in town will be focusing on the inside of the resort, but if possible I'd love to see some pictures of the resort on the outside, particularly the Strip side to see how well they've done covering the entrance with trees. I know there have been some recent pics but one centered on the main Strip porto cochere would be great.
Nice coverage so far.......Encore looks very interesting. Can't wait for you guys to see it Monday night!
Sheesh, even the Drudge Report has their main headline about Encore. THE $2 BILLION BET: WYNN OPENS NEW LUX RESORT DURING SLUMP
The article he links to on BreitBart, which I assume if from the AP, uses details from the Friess interview, though no attribution is given.
Updated: Talked to Steve - he says he wrote that piece for a foreign wire service.
"Goodwill: An intangible asset which provides a competitive advantage, such as a strong brand, reputation, or high employee morale."
I thought of Goodwill this morning. I had to go for some physical therapy in Fort Lauderdale, and I carried my keys, wallet and cell in a small "Wynn Las Vegas" bag. As soon as the therapist saw it, she said, "Have you ever been to Wynn? Have you ever stayed there? Isn't it the most beautiful hotel in the world? It is so spectacular" and on and on and on. I told her she needs to go back to see Encore.
I can't imagine anyone so enthused about any non-Wynn property. I hope Encore gives Las Vegas the jump start it needs right now.